
We offer structured interventions that have been developed in response to identified school and individual needs. Programmes are delivered by our Assistant Psychologists, working under the supervision of an experienced Senior Educational Psychologist.

Sustainability for schools is built in through the opportunity for school staff to participate in the programmes. Materials are provided for follow up after the delivery of the interventions.

Interventions for the Summer Term 2015

The following interventions are available for delivery from week commencing Monday 27th April.

Wave 1 Interventions - Quality First Teaching

These programmes build upon quality first teaching and offer a “universal” level of support to a class teacher and their in-class support assistants.

1/1 Developing Communication & Interaction Friendly Classrooms 

Suitable for all ages and stages: Foundation Stage - Key Stage 3

A three-session programme to build teacher knowledge and confidence to enable them plan for and include pupils with communication and interaction needs in their classrooms.

Cost: Pay as you go: £250           Within contract equivalent: ½ day of your contracted time

For more information and to book visit Communication & Interaction Friendly Classrooms

1/2 Thinking about thinking: Metacognition in the classroom

Suitable for: Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3

A three-session programme to promote “thinking about thinking”.  Meta-Cognition focuses on building awareness of the process of learning.  Improving meta-cognitive skills has been found to be highly effective in promoting independence in children’s problem solving and learning.

Cost: Pay as you go: £250            Within contract equivalent: ½ day of your contracted time

For more information and to book visit Metacognition in the classroom 

Wave 2 Interventions -  Narrowing the Gap

These evidence-informed interventions are delivered with a small group of children.  Our Assistant Psychologists work directly with a teaching assistant or member of teaching staff during session delivery to build the school’s capacity so that staff become confident in using the suggested strategies and activities.

Social, emotional and mental health


2/1 Bridges for Transition: Key Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4

A five-session programme delivered for a small group of children considered to have some vulnerabilities at a time of change, such as a move between key stages, or a move to a new school.  The group programme is suitable for children at Wave 2. We recommend an individual programme for children who need more intensive support at Wave 3.

Cost for a group programme:     

Pay as you go: £375         Within contract equivalent: 1 day of your contracted time

For more information and to book visit Bridges for Transition

2/2 Primary Peer Listening: Key Stage 2

A five-session, interactive group intervention to build children’s motivation, social awareness, empathy and self - regulation skills, thereby improving their responses to social situations and ability to support each other.

Cost        Pay as you go: £375         Within contract equivalent: 1 day of your contracted time

For more information and to book visit Primary Peer Listening

2/3 STEPS - Strategies For Tackling Exam Pressure and Stress: Key Stage 4

A five-session group programme based on research by Edge Hill University to support young people to manage anxiety related to exams.

Cost        Pay as you go: £375         Within contract equivalent: 1 day of your contracted time

For more information and to book visit STEPS

Cognition and learning


2/4 Learning to Listen: Reception, Key Stage 1

A five session, interactive group intervention using short activities to develop children’s listening and attention skills.  The skill of listening is broken into four key areas throughout the programme: good sitting, good looking, good taking turns and good thinking.

Cost        Pay as you go: £375         Within contract equivalent: 1 day of your contracted time

For more information and to book visit Learning to Listen

2/5 Confidence in Co-ordination: Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

A five-session, interactive group intervention to develop motor skills, including motor planning and problem solving.  A pre-session planning meeting enables the programme to tailored to the needs of the group.

Cost        Pay as you go: £375         Within contract equivalent: 1 day of your contracted time

For more information and to book visit Confidence in Co-ordination

2/6 Maths is Fun: Key Stage 2

A five-session, interactive group intervention, presented as a maths games club to promote pupils’ confidence in using number skills in real life contexts.  This programme is suitable for children who worry about maths and promotes an “I can do it” approach, by building confidence and competence in a supportive peer group.

Available from 15th June (Summer 2)

Cost        Pay as you go: £375         Within contract equivalent: 1 day of your contracted time

For more information and to book visit Maths is Fun!


Wave 3 Interventions – SEND Support

These evidence-informed interventions are delivered for individual children whose needs are more complex. Our Assistants work directly with individual children.  Strategies and resources are shared with linked staff after each session for continuation of support to the young person in school.

All of our Wave 3 interventions have a focus on social, emotional and mental health.

3/1 Bridges for Transition: Key Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4

A five-session programme delivered directly with an individual child who is considered to have some vulnerabilities at a time of change, such as a move between key stages, or a move to a new school. 

Cost        Pay as you go: £350 per child     Within contract equivalent: 1 day of your contracted time

For more information and to book visit Bridges for Transition

3/2 Tune into Change: Key Stages 2, 3 and 4

A five-session psychological intervention, with a young person, that aims to develop their motivation, aspiration and engagement in learning. Each session includes one to one time with a young person with targeted feedback provided to a key adult in school, to facilitate their inclusion.

Cost        Pay as you go: £350 per child     Within contract equivalent: 1 day of your contracted time

For more information and to book visit Tune into Change

3/3 STEPS: Suitable for Pupils in Years 10 and 11

A five-session programme based on research by Edge Hill University to support an individual young person to manage anxiety related to exams. An individual focus enables the sessions to be differentiated according to the identified needs of that young person.

Cost        Pay as you go: £350 per child     Within contract equivalent: 1 day of your contracted time

For more information and to book visit STEPS