Tune Into Change

This is a 'bespoke' intervention suitable for individual children and young people experiencing social, emotional and mental health difficulties, who may be socially vulnerable or at risk of exclusion.


Area of development:Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Age/phase: Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 & 6), Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4

Cost: £350 per pupil (pay as you go) or 1 day equivalent from your contracted time

Start dates: any day in the weeks commencing 1st June, 8th June or 15th June. The programme runs for 5 weeks.


This programme aims to develop motivation, aspiration and engagement with the educational setting.

Our recent Tune into Change evaluation shows improvements in pupil motivation and aspiration towards their goals. They feel more confident in over coming barriers towards achieving change.

We will provide a summary report at the end of the programme in order to help you plan next steps.

If you would like to talk to a member of the team about this programme, please contact Heather Minshull, Senior Educational Psychologist: [email protected]