Other professional services

There are plenty of support services available for children and young people in Manchester.

Mental health and wellbeing support  

A Manchester based charity providing mental health and wellbeing services to young people and their families across Greater Manchester. (Under 5, 5-11, 11-16 and 16+)

A Manchester based charity providing young-person centred emotional wellbeing and mental health support. Their website is filled with great resources for young people, professionals, and parents and carers. (11-16 and 16+)

  • Place2be: Mental Health support in schools.

For parents and carers wanting to know more about how they can support their child's mental health, Place2Be a charity looking to improve children's mental health, have a webpage dedicated to this with some great advice and resources. (5-11, 11-16 and 16+)

Resources, support and helplines for young people, parents and professionals. (11-16 and 16+)
: Resources, support and helplines for young people, parents and professionals. (11-16 and 16+)

Manchester Local Offer 

For more information on The Manchester Local Offer and what's on offer from 0-25, visit the Local Offer webpage here

Community support (Manchester and nationally) 

Parent/Carer support 

Updated 21-12-2023