It is important that children and young people are praised and celebrated. Highlighting achievements can develop a positive self-esteem, promote feelings of adequacy and self-worth, and motivate children and young people to keep learning and developing. Not only is it important children and young people's achievements are highlighted by the adults in their lives, but by themselves.
Education Scotland have a Personal Learning and Achievement resource pack for adults working with children and young people. The pack aims to create a broader understanding of the importance of personal learning and achievement, and how this can be supported in your service/context.
Below are some resources to get children and young people reflecting on themselves as unique individuals, their skills and achievements.
- For younger children, this Sesame Street video on ‘What Makes You Special’ looks at celebrating children’s unique abilities, interests, attributes. Looking at what makes children ‘special’ can boost their self-esteem and confidence. Watch here.
- A lovely video for children on self-love and positive self-talk, ‘The Reflection in Me’ can be watched here.
- For older children, ages 11-14, this UCAS worksheet is a great resource for helping young people highlight their skills and achievements.
Updated 27-02-2023