

A         Integrated assessments and education, health and care plans: the Southampton model

Dr Julia Katherine, Joint Lead for Southampton SEND Pathfinder & Principal Educational Psychologist

This workshop will describe the process of co-constructing an EHC plan with parents, using a fully worked-through example. It will be of interest to parents, staff from Primary and Secondary schools, local authority officers and educational psychologists.

B         Putting Early Support and key working into practice

Cathy Hamer & Sharon Kelly, Early Support Regional Facilitators, North West

This workshop will explain how the principles of Early Support have been extended across the whole age range through the work of the SEND pathfinders, and will describe how these principles provide a framework for supporting parents at the centre of processes of assessment and intervention.

It will be of interest to parents, staff from Early Years settings, Primary and Secondary schools, local authority officers and educational psychologists.

C         The role and skills of person centered planning coordinator – case examples using person centred planning

Julie Hicklin & Laura Upton, Manchester Pathfinder Project Lead and Lead Person Centered Planning Trainer

This workshop will take participants through the process of setting up and facilitating a Person-Centred review, as envisaged in the revised Code of Practice.

It will be of interest to parents, staff from Early Years settings, Primary and Secondary schools, local authority officers and educational psychologists.

D         The Local Offer; a best practice example from Oldham SEND Pathfinder

Jonathan Wilding, Project Manager, Integrating Children & Adult Services Oldham

This workshop will describe how the Local Offer has been developed in one local authority and will provide participating schools with a template for putting together their own local offer.

It will be of interest to parents, staff from Primary and Secondary schools, local authority officers and educational psychologists.

 E         Early Years Framework for Assessment and Intervention for Attachment and Resilience

 Jean Campbell, Senior Educational Psychologist, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, with Imogen Marsh

The EY FAIAR is a new parenting programme developed by South Lanarkshire Council Psychological service. Based on theoretical models of attachment and resilience, it aims to enhance secure parent-child attachment and build child resilience. It does this by promoting parents’ understanding of and ability to respond appropriately and sensitively to their child’s daily lived experience and needs. Designed to be used flexibly by a variety of professionals with parents/carers of children from 0-8 years old identified as requiring additional support with the child-parent relationship, the programme employs self-assessment, coaching and mentoring approaches. The presenters will provide an overview of the programme, discuss contexts for implementation and use, and give participants an opportunity to look at the materials and resources.

It will be of interest to parents, staff from Early Years settings, Primary schools and educational psychologists.

 F          Working together in a post-16 environment

Vicky Seddon & Dan Valentine Loreto College with Linda Goodacre, Educational Psychologist & Partner Psychologist with Catalyst Psychology

This workshop will share experiences of developing inclusive practice through collaborative working. Discussion points and activities will explore the following questions: What are the responsibilities and challenges involved in supporting mainstream Additional Learning Support (ALS) students? How can colleges respond?  How can this work in practice? 

It will be of interest to parents, staff from Secondary Schools and post-16 provisions, and educational psychologists.

G         Taking Early Support parent workshops into primary schools

Dr Anita Soni, Educational Psychologist, Early Years Solutions, West Midlands

This workshop will describe successful Parent Workshops in primary schools, using the principles of Early Support to work with parents of children with SEN.

It will be of interest to parents, staff from Early Years settings, Primary schools and educational psychologists.

H         The SEN Diagnostic – a tool to support school self-review and development

Julie Barnett, Vice Principal & Maree Jordan, Bright Futures Educational Trust, Manchester

This workshop will describe the use of a process for school self-review in the area of SEN, offering an action plan and process for developing SEN provision in mainstream schools, and assisting in the preparation for OFTSTED inspections.

It will be of interest to staff from Primary and Secondary Schools, post-16 provisions, local authority officers and educational psychologists.