Manchester Town Hall
20th October 2015
"I just wanted to say a big thank you for a very enjoyable conference. It is so good to be able to take time out and consolidate one’s thinking about mental health." (Educational Psychologist)
"It was a great balance of opportunity for reflection and new learning, whilst not coming away with an overwhelming to do list." (Deputy Headteacher)
Opening address - Kate Fallon, General Secretary of the Association of Educational Psychologists
Inclusion Matters: Mental Health in Schools
Keynote speaker - Professor Katherine Weare
Seminar A & D - Chris Chesterman, Educational Psychologist, Quest Psychology
"Why do I go to school? The central role of motivation in education"
Seminar B - Sheri Wright, Specialist Senior Educational Psychologist and Dr Aimee Webster, Educational Psychologist, Shropshire EPS
Seminar C - "My needs; Our needs; Your needs" - Kat Booker, SEN Education Consultant (Meet The Need Ltd)
A case study exploring ways in which one school chose to develop self-esteem, autonomy and self awareness through a whole school nurturing approach and a sense of belonging. An exploration of how embedding nurture group practices and approaches into whole school practices can be the starting point for children developing the ability to look beyond their own needs and begin to think about others.
Unfortunately the presentation is too large to make available for download
Seminar E - Sheri Wright, Specialist Senior Educational Psychologist and Dr Aimee Webster, Educational Psychologist, Shropshire EPS
"Emotional health for adults - Looking after ourselves"
Seminar F - Jo Lyons, Educational Psychologist, Rochdale Educational Psychology Service
Attachment and trauma: Understanding and supporting emotional needs