Enhancing SEN Support

Inclusion Matters is an annual one-day conference providing an opportunity for school staff, parents, governors and allied professionals to come together and discuss approaches to supporting special educational needs. Our focus for 2014 is to consider the impact and implications of the SEND reforms for the work of SENCOs and others in schools.

The conference offers

  • up-to-date information based on recent research;
  • updates from parents and others involved in the design and implementation of the SEND reforms;
  • information and advice about relevant strategies and interventions;
  • opportunities to network and share good practice.

Speakers and seminars (updated 11th October)

Unfortunately, and with much regret, Professor Barry Carpenter has had to withdraw from the conference for personal reasons. We are very fortunate that Philippa Stobbs, Assistant Director at the Council for Disabled Children, has agreed to step in at short notice.

Philippa Stobbs, MSc

Assistant Director, Council for Disabled Children

Philippa's professional background is in teaching and school inspection work. She has led a number of national developments in the education of disabled children and children with SEN with a particular focus on partnership projects bringing together providers, parents and children and young people themselves. She has led policy work for the Special Educational Consortium since 1992 and the development of national support to parent partnership services. She was the principal author of the original Disability Rights Commission Code of Practice for schools and DfES guidance on implementing the Disability Discrimination Act in schools and early years settings. She trains, writes and provides consultancy on SEN and disability issues for schools, early years settings, local authorities and voluntary organisations.

From 2008-2010 Philippa was seconded to the Department for Children, Schools and Families as their professional adviser on SEN and disability. Whilst at the DCSF, she managed the Lamb Inquiry into parental confidence and led DCSF work with the National Strategies on SEN progression and the development of RAISEonline to incorporate SEN data.

Philippa recently worked with the team developing advanced level materials on SEN and disability for the then Training and Development Agency for Schools. She is Policy Vice-Chair of the Special Educational Consortium. She is currently part of the CDC team working as the Department for Education’s strategic reform partner supporting the implementation of the SEN and disability reforms.

Lisa Bradbury 

Professional learning manager at the Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE)

Lisa leads on the planning and facilitation of Curee's range of evidence based CPD and professional learning programmes. She has most recently been involved in the National College Closing the Gap and research on Lesson Study and Response to Intervention. Lisa is currently involved in work on building effective learning environments which link staff learning with improved outcomes for students. 

Lisa's seminar session "Breakthroughs for Literacy" will introduce the thinking and practice behind 'Response to Intervention' as an effective approach for improving literacy outcomes for vulnerable pupils.

Talking Mats 

The innovative, award-winning Talking Mats communication tool uses unique, specially designed picture communication symbols that are attractive to all ages and communication abilities and is used by clinical practitioners, carers and support workers in a wide range of education and other settings.

Talking Mats offers a highly effective means of consulting children and young people with communication or learning difficulties and supports person-centred planning approaches. 

Margo Mackay is a Speech and Language Therapist who has specialised in the use of Talking Mats in educational settings. Margo is making a special trip down from Scotland to introduce this highly recommended resource.

Sherann Hillman

Co-Chair of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums

Representatives from Parent Carer Forums have been integral to the development of the SEND Code of Practice. Sherann, together with other parent representatives, has worked very closely with the Department for Education during the past 12 months. She is currently working across the regions in supporting the implementation of the SEND reforms. Sherann brings an up-to-the-minute perspective direct from the centre of these reforms and we are delighted to welcome her to our conference this year. 

Elizabeth Stanley

Director: Wraparound Partnership

Elizabeth has spent 18 years as a SENCO both in the UK and abroad, latterly with additional responsibilities for children with English as an Additional Language and Children in Care

Wraparound Partnership is leading on the delivery of Independent Support in a North West authority and Elizabeth has an in depth knowledge, experience and overview of how this new area of support may develop. Elizabeth is also a representative for her local Parent Carer Forum and for the NNPCF

Kim Wade and Rose Harrison

Behaviour Soup

Rose has worked within education for 24 years and specifically in the field  of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties for 21 years.  Her professional experiences include working as an outreach support teacher, head of a primary pupil referral unit, a trained counsellor and as a supervisor for those working in different areas of counselling . Rose has worked as a behaviour  consultant since 2011.

Kim has worked within education for 35 years and specifically in the field of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties for 23 years.  Her professional experiences have included working as an outreach support teacher, deputy head of an EBD Special School and Head of a large Behaviour Support Service. Kim's consultancy experience includes Behaviour Improvement Programme Coordinator, National Consultant for the DfE, Associate Head of an SEBD school, and a trainer and facilitator of local and national            conferences and training events

Outline programme

 9.30 - 10.00              Registration

10.00 - 11.00             Keynote 1: Philippa Stobbs

                                  Special Educational Needs and Disability Reforms: From Policy to Practice

11.00 - 12.00             Keynote 2: Lisa Bradbury:

                                  "Sauce for the Goose" - enquiry strategies that connect staff and pupil learning

12.00 - 12.45             Seminar 1 (choice of sessions):

                                   Session A: Philippa Stobbs

                                   Implementing the SEND reforms at a school level: Practical implications and action planning

                                   Session B: Lisa Bradbury

                                  "Response to Intervention: Breakthroughs for Literacy"

                                   Session C: Sherann Hillman

                                   Parent-led planning to support improved outcomes through co-production

                                   Session D: Kim Wade and Rose Harrison (Behaviour Consultants)

                         The impact of adult language in promoting positive pupil behaviour and engagement in learning

12.45 - 1.40               Lunch, networking and exhibitors

1.45 - 2.30                 Seminar 2 (choice of sessions):

                                  Session E: Philippa Stobbs

                                   Implementing the SEND reforms at a school level: Practical implications and action planning

                                  Session F: Margo Mackay: Talking Mats in educational settings

                                  Session G: Elizabeth Stanley 

                                  Why, What, When and How to make the best use of Independent Supporters.

                                  Session H: Kim Wade and Rose Harrison (Behaviour Consultants)

                        The impact of adult language in promoting positive pupil behaviour and engagement in learning

2.30 - 3.30                 Open Space

3.30                           Afternoon tea, networking and exhibitors

4.00                           Conference close

Ticket prices

Full Price Ticket: £130

October 21, 2014 at 9:30am - 4pm
People's History Museum, Manchester
Left Bank
Manchester M3 3ER
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Fiona Hanratty · · 0161 445 3522

Will you come?