Charlotte Naylor


Charlotte began her training in Applied Educational Psychology at The University of Nottingham in 2020.


Before starting her training, Charlotte worked with children, young people and families in a variety of roles across 9 years. She particularly enjoyed her time as a Teaching Assistant in secondary and sixth form classes, tutoring primary school children, and working in the charity sector supporting families with children under 2.


These experiences led to a diverse range of interests which Charlotte brings to her work as an Educational Psychologist. These include social justice, children’s rights, infants’ and children’s mental health, and neurodiversity. She is passionate about being child-led, informed by the lived experiences of social and cultural groups, and working in a neurodiversity-affirming way.

Charlotte’s doctoral research investigated neurodiversity-affirming practice, and what this means to the autistic community. She is passionate about advocating for the neurodiversity perspective of developmental differences, challenging others to move away from a ‘deficit’ or ‘disorder’ mindset. She hopes to continue to research and speak about this topic in future.