Partner Psychologist
Vicki Harold initially worked as a Primary School teacher before completing her Masters in Educational Psychology at the University of Manchester. Since qualifying in 2006 Vicki has worked for Calderdale Local Authority as an Educational Psychologist, working across a range of schools within the area and applying a community model of Educational Psychology which includes delivering consultation directly to service users within community settings, such as Children’s Centres. Vicki has been actively involved in developing aspects of the new Code of Practice and Education, Health and Care Plans as part of Calderdale’s role as a pathfinder.
Vicki has been involved in various projects, including: developing and delivering training for children and young people around peer support systems, such as peer buddying; joint training with the Child and Family Mental Health Team around therapeutic conversations with children; and joint delivery of emotional skills group sessions with children with specific language impairment with the Speech and Language Therapy Service. More recently Vicki has been involved in delivering training to nursery staff around the Baby Room Project – a project focussing on early brain development in babies – and developing a strategic approach to Restorative Justice as part of a multi-agency team.
Vicki’s interest in Restorative Justice is reflected in her completion of the Professional Doctorate at the University of Sheffield in 2012, where she specialised in exploring approaches to difficult behaviour and specifically the role of Restorative Justice in schools. Since completing this Vicki has retained her links with the university; she has worked as an Associate Tutor and is currently involved in contributing to a book edited by staff at the university. Vicki recently published her first article on Restorative Justice in the International Journal of School Disaffection.