Calming down and making yourself feel better

This page provides resources for schools and families to support children and young people to calm down relax. We have compiled some resources to help support children at home and in the classroom.  

Childline have a calm zone on their website, that includes many relaxation resources and activities that could be used at home or in the classroom 


Save the children have a resource of relaxation activities that could be done at home. 


CBBC have a list of seven activities that can help to keep children calm 


GoNoodle are an online resource available on their website if you set up an account, or from youtube. They have a variety of resources that would be suitable for school brain breaks, or to set up as a routine.  

Go Noodle website 

Gonoodle - youtube  

Empower tools

Think about it



Page last updated 24-12-2021 14:45