Racial identity
There are renewed for greater recognition of the need to decolonise the curriculum. Teachers of children Key Stage 2 and beyond should be prepared for a level of questioning and challenge. The website Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Educators has a wide range of resources by educators for educators, including a range of information about decolonising the curriculum.
Embrace Race is an American organisation that “aims to nurture resilience in children of colour”. Their website contains a range of ideas and information about supporting communities of colour. One such resource is their list of diverse children’s books. During the Coronavirus pandemic they produced race-conscious resources for children and families.
Into film is an organisation that puts film at the heart of the educational and personal development of children and young people. They have curated a set of films and resources to support the work of schools in talking about racism. We can particularly recommend these resources supporting the film Selma, suitable for secondary aged pupils.