SENDCO Network: Supporting a Resilient Return (6)

Supporting a resilient return: change, recovery and self-care during COVID19

Information for participants:

These sessions have been designed to offer SENDCOs an opportunity to process recent experiences and reflect on their own resilience and coping strategies as they prepare for the coming months when children, families and school staff will need their schools to be strong and supportive communities.

When we fly, we are told to ‘fit your own mask before helping children or others who need assistance’. The aim of these Network sessions is to support senior staff in considering their own experiences and needs so that they feel better prepared and more confident to support others. Groups will be kept small to facilitate discussion and to ensure a sense of trust and confidence.

During these 2 hour sessions participants will have opportunities to:

  • Consider their own experiences of the COVID-19 public health crisis
  • Think about how the pandemic may have had an impact on children and young people (CYP), families and communities
  • Reflect upon their own experiences of loss and the evidence of it in the ‘everyday’
  • Develop an increased understanding of the impact of loss on CYP and how they may respond to it
  • Begin to use activities which help to explore change and loss in a healthy manner
  • Revisit their understanding of the concept of resilience
  • Explore models of resilience such as ‘Family Resilience Framework’ and ‘Building Blocks of Resilience’
  • Revisit the importance of hope, play and laughter in recovery and self-care
  • Begin to apply to personal and professional practice

Facilitator: Rebecca Wright

June 25, 2020 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Teresa Regan · · 07597990484

Will you come?